On your Waggle calendar, click "Create a Meeting." in the top right corner.
Under "Select a Ritual Type," choose Standup
We recommend doing standups in the morning, at the start of the working day allowing for each team member to promptly prepare and sync up with the team
Customize the Meeting Title, such as Standup- Customer Ops Managers or get creative with something like "Team- win, win, win"
Set the meeting's duration, date and time. If it's recurring, choose the recurrence frequency when prompted
Add your team member (s), one at a time, by entering their email address and pressing enter after each email.
Before saving, double-check that your team member's email is listed in the meeting invite alongside yours
Save the event and wait a few seconds for it to update on your calendar.
Your team member will receive a meeting invitation to accept and add to their calendar.
Once scheduled, you'll be able to access the Standup playbook by opening the event
The playbook is designed to provide tips on how to run a daily standup.
To use the template in the playbook for each standup, simply click "Use template"
A daily standup agenda template will be generated
Each team member will be able to fill the stand-up document prior to the meeting
These notes will be visible to all attendees and will allow for a focused discussion
Use the action items prompts in the template to document next steps under the relevant sub-headings.
This article shows you how to use Waggle's playbook to run effective daily standup meetings with your team

Written by Aparna
Updated over a year ago